May 2, 2012 By emassey 0

Avoiding Injuries While Playing Golf

While golf is not a contact sport like football or or rugby, injuries still can happen and always do when least expected! Most injuries are quite mild are are simple to take care of, but, if you want to avoid injuries altogether, these tips will help you.

1) It is your responsibility to be in good shape before you begin to play golf. Walking or running will help boost your cardiovascular stamina. Remember if you don’t rent a cart on the course, walking is the only way to get around. So be prepared to walk 18 holes.

2) Stretch before and after playing on The 10 Minute CushionTM. As the physical exertion that golf brings is truly underestimated. But just a one would stretch or warm up properly before running or biking, golfing is no different. Warming up the muscles and ligaments before you play and stretching them for reduction of the repetitive strain, can mean the difference between hurting the next day and being able to play another 2 rounds!

3) Even Golf Pros who get paid to play golf still take lessons to learn and re-learn their proper stance and swing. If your posture is in a improper mechanical position or timing, the risk of pulling a muscle or jamming a disc/vertebrae is a an extreme risk. A qualified instructor will help you educate your body to the most effective way to tee off and move, therefor improving your game!

Golf is known as a sport the is amazing for your mind, body and over all health. Be sure to play it in a way that won’t injure you today or later down the fairway!