July 19, 2012 By emassey 0

Golf Fitness Products: What Makes Them Good?

A very popular term on tour is golf fitness and for good reason. PGA players are realizing how important it is to keep their body in the best shape possible to last 4 grueling rounds of stressful golf to make a living. To maintain a high level of focus, golfers must be in good shape. When was the last time you saw a successful overweight professional golfer winning on Sunday?

The sad fact is that most amateur golfers don’t take their game serious enough to embark on a fitness program. Many don’t belong to a fitness club, making it even more difficult to combat the repetitive strain of golf.

The next best idea in golf fitness are products that you can use in your home with no need for expensive equipment.

An example would be The 10 Minute CushionTM, TRX and many more products and DVDs.

There are so many false rumors that fitness ruins golf swings, but research has proven that to be false. Look at most professional golfers today. Especially knowing many of the pros have trainers that travel the tour with them. Professional golfers would never expense or use something unless they knew for sure, they’d be getting a huge benefit from it.