August 13, 2012 By emassey 0

Pain Free Golf, Is It Really Possible?

Is there such a thing as pain-free golf?

You bet there is, and here is how.

Every sport uses specific muscles , and golf is no different. If you are looking to improve your golf swing power, one must focus on increasing the strength and flexibility of your golf muscles. In fact, this is one of the quickest ways to not only improve your driving distance, but eliminate a lot of the pain and injury from your golf game.

Did you realize that over 80% of all golfers play with some form of back pain? The golf swing is brutal on your body whether your in poor physical or good physical condition. Strengthening and stretching your muscles and spine can actually resolve most low back pain issues from golf.

Just imagine swinging a 3 foot long stick (a golf club) at over 100mph almost 50 times a day!

It is only reasonable that there might be some stress and trauma repetitively on the body.

The muscles that golfers should focus on for power are the rear shoulder muscles, especially of the lead shoulder, hamstrings; your core muscles (glutes, hip flexors,pelvis floor and ceiling, abdominal wall/ceiling/floor), rotational flexibility. These are key areas that will add power and eliminate pain.

Those areas are responsible for helping you stay in your golf posture, and keeping strain off your back and the repetitive motion thru the spine. Tight and strained core and spinal muscles will equal into a  combination for long-term back pain and inconsistent golf.

Golf is physical. Prepare your body, and you can expect great results, stop ignoring the body.

Playing pain-free golf is only a dream for most golfers, but not anymore.

When you do the right golf-specific training exercises and stretching, you can and will play pain-free golf.